Greatest Moments
July 18, 2016 by Las Vegas Black Image Magazine
Filed under Highlights, Photos
Muhammad Ali will forever be known as “The Greatest.” In his honor, we asked Las Vegans to share stories from the greatest moments in their lives.

Stephen Harvey Munford. One of the greatest moments in my life was having the opportunity to meet Muhammad Ali in Las Vegas at Roy Horn’s birthday party. He treated me and my wife like he knew us all our lives. Great man, and all the greatness he gave to us. He made us feel like we were the greatest. Love Ali!

Charles McCall My parents were told because of my hearing impairment and processing deficits, I would not pass the eighth grade or high school. Well, I have passed eighth grade, high school, college, and now completing my doctorate degree. These greatest moments has come to pass because of my supportive parents, sister and my wife. But most of all, it’s because of the grace and mercy of God. Without him, there would be no greatest of all times in my life.
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