Monday, January 13, 2025

‘Make America Great Again’: Are You Kidding Me?


Louie Overstreet

Ain’t it strange how — after more than a year, and a seemingly endless number of debates — no one has asked The Donald two very basic questions: When was the last time America was great? And what made it great?

Just as strange, but far more troubling, was listening to hate-filled speeches by Newt Gingrich, Chris Christie, a couple of black preachers and that absolute fool, Sheriff David Clarke at the Repugnant National Convention. I am more worried about America’s future today than at any other time in my entire adult life.

Newt and Chris used racial code language like you wouldn’t believe. These suckers had the impudence to suggest that we abridge or trample on certain citizens’ First and Eleventh Amendment rights. Their comments stopped just short of calling for detention camps.

To paraphrase Dr. King, we are in for some difficult days ahead.

I can remember, as a kid, looking forward to the circus coming to town at the old Cleveland Arena. So in a way, I’m sorry I missed the third millennium version at Quicken Loans Arena.

News reports and phone calls from friends seem to indicate that I would have really enjoyed the clowns as much as I did back in the good old days, when Emmett Kelly was performing. It appears the only thing missing from this circus were goose-stepping fascists, marching around Cleveland’s famed Public Square with automatic rifles on full display in this open-carry state.

Trump’s acceptance speech had enough red meat to feed the fears of every card-carrying, bed-wetting bigot in America. If you consider doom and gloom a good meal, and hate and divisiveness are your cup of tea, then The Donald is definitely your chef and brewmaster!

However, one thing is certain: the vision shared by The Donald during his convention speech better not be his recipe for making America great again. If so, then failure to keep goose-step rhythm will be the least of our problems if you don’t march your butts to the polls in November.

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