Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Academic Success Starts With You

August 2, 2016 by  
Filed under Community


Ciara Owens

As the new school year approaches, a widely-respected Las Vegas educator offers insight into how to succeed in the classroom.

I want our students to walk onto their campuses this school year — and every school year — knowing that they are powerful beyond measure. It is important that they are empowered with the truth: that they are capable of their personal definition of greatness, in and out of the classroom. This mindset will lay the foundation for success. I want our students to know that failure is okay. Failure is a natural part of life that allows you the opportunity to learn, and grow, and come back even stronger. It is okay to raise your hand to answer a question. It is okay to try new things. It is okay to be uncomfortable. It is okay to be challenged. It’s the only way you will see what you’re truly capable of. I want our students to know that we believe in them. It is time for them to believe in themselves.

Martin Luther King Jr. community statue | Photo by Matthew Wiggins

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