Tuesday, January 14, 2025


October 10, 2016 by  
Filed under Extra, Peace

Persevere to Win

Autumn is here — and if you notice the leaves changing color, and temperatures getting cooler, then you are seeing positive transformation. The universe has a way of telling us that change is good, and that natural transitions in life are anything but accidental.

When the rain falls from the clouds, or the wind blows through the air, something is happening in the atmosphere. Yes, there is a power source that makes the earth mist, twirl, and shake. But we are the power source that creates reactions and responses in our own lives — and when the actions comes back to us, we are the designated control tower that receives the response.

We often respond to situations according to what we have been taught or exposed to. But we should never give our power away to simply follow or be led. You have the power to make positive choices, and bring peace your way, in any situation. Emotions are tricky things that must be controlled and respected.

If you are “in your feelings,” then take time for silence and find a center within yourself. Be the leader of your own change and emotional journey. Life is so precious and short — we must maneuver through it with care and mindfulness.

Change will come and the sun will rise. But it is up to you to see the beauty and to walk in peace. When you do, the embrace of happiness will find you.

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