Monday, January 13, 2025


December 26, 2016 by  
Filed under Community, Events, Photos

Celebrating the people, places, special events and amazing sights that make Las Vegas an incredible place to live, work and play!

Donna Lee and Diversified Community Service CDC represented Mentors for Veterans in the annual Veterans Day Parade.

Assemblyman Tyrone Thompson, Cameron Miller, and team on election night.

Urban Chamber of Commerce honoree Marie Ray Scott, with Girl Friends Inc. president Myrna Symes, and members Eva Martin, Kathleen Knight, and Nathan Symes.

Allen & Wendy Shelton and Assemblyman Tyrone Thompson at Nevada Democrats’ election night party.

Ardell Galbreth executive director of Workforce Connections.

Commissioner Lawrence Weekly, the Urban Chamber of Commerce’s Distinguished Green Tie Honoree.

Wendy Welch and Channel 8 Traffic Anchor Demetria Obilor enjoy the Urban Chamber’s Green Tie Awards Luncheon.

Assemblywoman Dina Neal and Eric James.

Nevada State Senator Pat Spearman and newly-elected Commerce. U.S. Congressman Ruben Kihuen at Classic Jewel lounge.

Robert and Vicky Bell at the Urban Chamber of Commerce’s Green Tie Awards Luncheon.

Jerrie Merrit, Executive Committee Chair for the Urban Chamber of Nevada State Senator Pat Spearman and newly-elected Commerce.

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