Tuesday, January 14, 2025


Emotions are absolute. They wash over us unexpectedly, triggering our brains to feel a certain way about experiences or encounters in our lives.

But there is one emotion — joy — that we most desire. Joy is the result of experiencing something value highly. The positive value you place on love, family, friends, God and success are all triggers that can cause you to feel joy.

There are internal and external triggers of joy. Internal joy comes from those things that you personally value for yourself; external joy comes from what you witness in the world around you that brings joy to your heart.

The development of a strong, honest and compassionate value system will bring abundant joy. There must be a balance of values for both the outside world and your internal self that will heighten your feelings of joy. Joy is subtle and often lasting.

A wonderful memory can bring joy. A song from the past might trigger memories about a particular time or person that brings joy into your heart. We cannot be robbed of our joy; you are in control of whether someone can steal it or not.

Don’t be distracted. “Trouble don’t last always.” And joy is always waiting for you to grab hold and become one with it. A smile will trigger a laugh and a hug will trigger the calm. In our quest for peace, remember that joy will take you there.

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