Saturday, September 7, 2024

WELL WOMEN OF COLOR | Rosalind Brooks

Getting Back To Good Health In Your Own Backyard

If you were raised a couple of generations back, you may have fond memories of shelling peas in the kitchen with grandma or cleaning collards from the garden. Your diet consisted of food that was in season — and it was normal to pick fruit and vegetables daily from your backyard or nearby farm stands. Getting healthy food was easier back then.

Nowadays, there is typically a great distance between our tables and the farms where our food is grown. It’s much easier to grab something on the go in the day-to-day grind of kids, work, and home.

Over time, these habits pose serious health consequences. Now is the best time to start exploring better ways to be a healthier you. One of my goals as a wellness coach and gardener is to urge our community to eat food as close to nature as possible. It is really important to limit unhealthy fast food and processed junk foods from the daily diet — and to more carefully consider what goes into our bodies. After all: If you ruin this body, where are you going to live?

We have to keep learning, so that we can help young people understand where their food comes from. That will give them a chance to live healthier lives — free from the diseases that so many young people are being diagnosed with before age 30.

Vegas Roots Community Garden has created a program called “The Edible Yard,” which helps families plant and eat what they grow — no matter how small the available space. There is no better feeling than going outside and picking veggies grown in your own soil, cultivated by your family’s hands.

Email for more information on how to start your own backyard garden.

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