Tuesday, February 18, 2025

HEALTHIER YOU: Preventing Teen Pregnancy



For the parents of teenagers, the thought that they might become parents during adolescence is one of the greatest anxieties. May is National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month — a time to remind ourselves that educating our young people is the first step toward preventing unwanted pregnancies.

Teenage pregnancy is a socially, economically, physically and emotionally complex issue. StayTeen.org reports that three out of 100 teen girls in the U.S. find themselves pregnant at least once before age 20. The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unwanted Pregnancy reports that approximately 47.8 percent of all high school students report having sexual intercourse. With serious consequences at stake, preventing teen pregnancy should be a high priority.

Abstinence is the only behavior that is 100 percent effective at preventing teenage pregnancy. In fact, the National Campaign stresses that abstinence from sex is the best choice for teens — as it avoids early pregnancy, parenthood and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Planned Parenthood reminds teens that remaining abstinent is a behavior choice, and acknowledges that it can be difficult for some. Besides abstinence, using contraception — either barrier or hormonal — can help to avoid pregnancy.

Preventing Teenage pregnancy may also come down to breaking down barriers in parent-child communication. The National Campaign reports that teens say their parents influence their decisions about sex, love and relationships the most — even more than the media or their peers.

For additional information, contact the Las Vegas All Women’s Care Offices at (702) 522-9640. Or visit us at 700 Shadow Lane No. 165 (1st floor) in Las Vegas.

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