Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Let’s Talk

June 11, 2017 by  
Filed under Extra

Eva Martin

Eva Martin on conflict resolution and the art of finding common ground

The act of resolving conflict is extraordinarily complex. It calls for people with strong disagreements to put their hearts, minds, and souls into reaching the ultimate goal: a positive outcome for both sides.

Compassion and empathy are the foundation of conflict resolution — because we are all human, and have the same core values and desires: peace, love and happiness. But outside forces may sometimes disrupt the journey toward those ideals, which often gives rise to conflict and the need for negotiation.

As with all things that call for us to look outside ourselves, the first step in resolving conflict is listening. Honest and open dialogue makes all sides feel at ease — and helps everyone accept a result that settles a conflict, understand why a disagreement existed in the first place, and avoid repeating mistakes that tear people apart.

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