Wednesday, January 22, 2025

PEACE: Rise, with your higher self

Your higher self will bring peace in expectations.

When we are challenged with negative situations, we are often numb to the fact that the episode is really calling our higher self to rise. Sometimes the motion to stand with your head held high is delayed by insecurity in action. Outside forces can activate your deepest insecurities, but you can rebuke the flow of self-doubt.

The ideas of the poet, scholar, and activist Sonia Sanchez lie in all of our souls. Her words of, “love, love, love” are a rhythmic silencing of the reverb of hate, a sizzle of words that lift up the world.

Your journey in life gave you the power to push back against nonsense. You already know what it is, so don’t resist the push to reveal truths that water your humanity. Pick the comfort zone of a calm mind, in order to select masterful words that make weasels run for cover. You are called, sometimes alone, to step out with your higher self. There is nothing to be frightened of while gazing at the view of weakness.

You have been there before, so there is no need to live a life based on unknown expectations. Live what you know: the strength of your mother, the courage of your father, and the wondrous magnificence of our forefathers and mothers.

You know what you see and hear — so be at peace, and rise.

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