Wednesday, December 11, 2024

PEACE: Receive the Love

September 10, 2017 by  
Filed under Highlights, Peace


We are all guilty of tunnel vision — being in our own space and head too much, and focusing on day-today priorities that cause us to lose sight of the big picture.

One piece of that bigger picture is the peace and love that we all need to thrive and live our best lives. But if we truly open our hearts, we can see that there is love all around us.

What we show the world is sure to come back to us. The positive energy that you exhibit is sure to greet you in return. But are you open to receive it? Those smiles, affirming hellos, and warm hugs are waiting for an open door in your heart.

A positive and affirming word to a stranger can start the change for peace we all desire. Humanity is searching for unity and acceptance — and we all have the power to grant them. Connect to those who wish to connect with you. Take the time to listen to pleas for your affirming attention. The vibes can be explosive.

We are all worthy. Young people are always searching for love and words of enlightenment — and when we open up to their request, our internal light will shine. Peace in our hearts is sure to follow.

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