Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Strengthening our students

September 10, 2017 by  
Filed under Conversation



My late husband and I shared so much, and one thing that always united us was education advocacy. Parents should understand how engagement in your child’s education is essential to success — because while many things deserve our attention, none are more important than shaping our children’s future.

Just think about the power of the open house — this one-on-one engagement with teachers is a wonderful opportunity to open a dialogue about the learning process. Hectic schedules sometimes mean that not all parents can attend open houses in the beginning of the year, but we should always introduce ourselves to teachers and work out a plan to receive updates on student progress.

PTA meetings and parent volunteer programs are excellent opportunities to be more fully engaged in your child’s education. You might also have a wonderful time building new relationships with other parents who have similar interests.

You should also show an interest in elective activities that are important to your child. Take the time to go to a game, practice or performance that your child finds interesting. Your presence at extracurricular activities will assist in strengthening their confidence, performance, and peer relationships.

Engagement throughout the year is not only important for other adults to witness — but more importantly, for your child to recognize. Remember: you are building memories of a lifetime, and your role in their development is the blessing they will never forget. If you prioritize it today, education will be highly-valued for every generation in your family.

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