Tuesday, January 21, 2025

The President Has Packed An Immoral Handbasket

October 2, 2017 by  
Filed under Community


Louie Overstreet

At the end of the Civil War, an Illinois judge named Morris described what northern prisoners of war would like to do with the abolitionists they blamed for starting the war. “Send them,” he said, “to hell in a handbasket.”

It is fair to say that America has been the unquestioned military, economic, and moral leader of the world for decades. And I believe it is equally fair to say the current occupant of the White House, in eight short months, has packed America’s hand-basket with so much immorality that Americans are more than ready to make our trip to purgatory.

He sowed the immoral seeds of hatred in his garden of division well in advance of his run for the presidency — by planting the idea in bigots’ minds that President Obama was not born in America, and was therefore an illegitimate commander-in-chief.

When he announced that his presidential bid, he added a vineyard to grow grapes of wrath, without any moral compass, by stating that Mexicans are “rapists.” When he became POTUS, he built a hen house without a moral foundation, where chickenhawks and bigoted birds of a feather could flock for nesting. In August, he harvested a crop of hatred to sell in Charlottesville. The grapes he planted were never intended to be wine, but merely a vinegar of resentment as evidenced by his ending DACA — a humane program initiated by President Obama for children of immigrants who crossed our borders many years ago.

Most regrettably, his chickenhawks have come home to roost and cackle ridiculous war rhetoric on a perch from which they can launch an immoral war with North Korea.

I say, “ain’t nothing” nourishing about the cuisine Donald has packed for America’s trip!

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