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Get On Board and Tell the RTC Your Transit Vision

November 5, 2017 by  
Filed under Feature

Get On Board and Tell the RTC Your Transit Vision

Azanaé Tooke

If there was ever a time in our community to have a conversation about transit and improved transit options, it’s now. As we anticipate substantial increases in resident and visitor growth, our community needs to have a long-term transit vision that can help ensure the safe and efficient movement of people throughout Southern Nevada.

The Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada (RTC) is working on a long-term vision called On Board, Southern Nevada’s comprehensive transit plan. The RTC needs your input, which will help determine enhanced transit services that will address current and future growth.

To date, the RTC has received comments from residents, business owners, community leaders and transit riders. For example, College of Southern Nevada (CSN) student Azanaé Tooke attends classes at the North Las Vegas and Charleston campuses. She uses several bus routes to travel to school, get to an internship and visit her family throughout the valley.

“I believe that light rail would be a great option for the city,” said Tooke.

Joseph Glover, a 35-year old Green Valley resident, single father and small-business owner, added, “Las Vegas is a 24-hour town, but sometimes it can be difficult to get around town when I need to.”

Dalisa Steward, a single mother and North Las Vegas resident, has used public transit since high school. She has since purchased a vehicle but rides the bus when her car is inoperable.

“I would put more routes with increased frequency north of Craig Road,” Steward said. “And I would add charging stations or USB ports to all buses with Wi-Fi capabilities.”

The RTC wants more people like Tooke, Glover and Steward to provide their input and make their voices heard on the future of transit in Southern Nevada. What improvements would you make to the current transit system? What new services would you add and where? And what emerging transit technologies are of interest to you?

On Board is the community’s plan – your plan. Your input will shape the future of Southern Nevada’s transit system. Visit OnBoardSNV.com to provide your feedback and learn more.

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