Thursday, January 16, 2025

“How will the Raiders’ move impact employment and business opportunities for African-Americans in Las Vegas?”

December 18, 2017 by  
Filed under Feature

The NFL’s Raiders are due to move to Las Vegas in 2020. A new, state-of-the-art stadium is being built at an estimated cost of $2 billion, and we asked Las Vegas residents the following question: “How will the Raiders’ move impact employment and business opportunities for African-Americans in Las Vegas?”

Bonnie Finley-Smith
This is a good question. I’m interested in seeing the answers. Hmmm …


Faraji Salim Sal Johnson
That’s up to the Black community in Las Vegas. If Black folks in Vegas don’t figure out how to maximize their position — that’s on us. No one is giving us anything in this deal.


Jean Morris
The opportunities will probably be the same as the medical school. Every student that started the first semester received a full-ride scholarship — but not one black person was among them. This literally took my breath away, and no one has ever commented about it. We need to do more to make sure we and our children are prepared because issues of life are already stacked against us.


Ken Evans
Here is a link to get people started:


Louie Overstreet
Slim and none!


Monica Beasley
The Raiders coming to Las Vegas is an opportunity that is green. Black and white are also major factors, but the color of money is one that everyone understands. If our community gets one dollar, it’s more than we had. We must think strategically as individuals, as business owners (which I am), and as a community in order to find a path.
Make a path — and don’t put our hands out and ask for one or expect one to be given to us.


Patricia Trish-Penix
Unless there is a different correlation to the establishment, it won’t be very much in my opinion. A powerful statewide move, but not sure of the direct positive impact it will have on the Las Vegas black community or as a whole. When the benefits and rewards are known and become available, whatever they are — the squeaky wheel gets the oil.


Pete Peterson
The black community will get what it always gets — nothing.


Roy Hinton
I love the Raiders and I used to live in Oakland — but it may not affect the
Black community unless the Raiders organization makes that happen. Some
Black people might not even be able to afford the ticket prices to the games.


Stephen Munford
What did the Raiders do for Oakland?
For some reason they decided not to build the Raiders a new stadium in Oakland. Why? Now, Oakland and Las Vegas are two totally different cities. The hotels should do well from the tourists and gamblers the Raiders’ football games will draw. Every home game should draw a lot of people from out of town. But will any equity come back to the surrounding community? Especially, will any equity end up in Historic West Las Vegas or in North Las Vegas around Craig Road and MLK area?


Tim Cunningham
Among media hype, politicians, radicals, and church leaders who are known to voice their opinions — I say 125 jobs to build the Raiders stadium will be created. And when it’s completed and the season starts, around 30 workers will be hired.


Wilma Easley-Roberts
African-Americans must continue to educate themselves and create their own — whether The Raiders are a factor or not.

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