Thursday, January 16, 2025

PEACE: New Year, New You

January 15, 2018 by  
Filed under Highlights, Peace


Many will ring in the New Year with bells on, some will step into it with combat boots, and others will glide in with the wave of unanimous joy at midnight.

As we anticipate the events of the coming year, no one really knows what 2018 will bring. Some things will be challenging — and others will be pleasant surprises that we could have only conceived of in our dreams.

The foundation for peace is the faith we possess, because it prepares us for any situation — good or bad — that may be put in our path. We grow when we release desired expectations and replace them with unconditional gratitude.

Whatever comes will be met with peace, as long as a gracious heart warms your surroundings with positivity. Your response is in your control, and love is the wall that builds your house for peace. It is the unshakable movement connecting all things: Your smile receives a smile; your hug will open arms to receive abundance.

The New Year is a time to renew your mind to face all things with faith and love — while relaxing the chaotic mind, body and soul for a better understanding.

Happy New You is the flight your heart unselfishly takes without knowing the destination.

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