Community Speaks
March 18, 2018 by Las Vegas Black Image Magazine
Filed under Feature
What is the impact of ‘Black Panther’ on America?

Shelia Henderson Glenn
The movie reaffirmed what I have instilled
in my children about life before the Europeans came and took us from our
homeland. We were warriors and among
the most intelligent people on earth. Yes,
we even fought each other and enslaved
each other. But we definitely were not
primitive, uncivilized sub-humans that
only started to exist when the history
books said we did.

Fran Sminkle
It has shown the world that black actors
can play black roles. And in these roles,
sell out movie theaters across the globe.

Minister Christopher Dixon
“Black Panther” gave African-Americans,
who are descendants from the motherland of Africa, an identity — and represents us as a black race that has always been here! We aren’t going anywhere. This isn’t new to the black man or the black woman. I hear people saying, “We finally arrived.” No, we have always been here — kings and queens. Don’t get it twisted.

Aaliyah Ratliff
With all the negativity in the world, it
is refreshing to see an awesome movie
that depicts us in such a positive light.
The heritage and culture in the movie
made me proud. It had the same effect
on me as James Brown’s “Say it Loud …
I’m Black and I’m Proud.” As a mother of
black sons, my children have a superhero
that looks just like them. I walked into
the movie head high and wrapped up.
Walked out of the movie with my head
even higher and my fist in the air. Great
job, Marvel Studios.