Education powered by community
April 18, 2018 by Las Vegas Black Image Magazine
Filed under Highlights
Education powered by community
Now, more than ever, we are recognizing that community is essential to educating our children. The adage “it takes a village” cannot be underscored enough! In Nevada alone, over 1 in 5 children live in poverty. In Clark County, nearly 70% of students are documented as low-income. The impact of poverty often manifests as housing instability, food insecurity and a paucity of the resources associated with academic success — like school supplies, clothing, and shoes.
As we honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. this month, may we remember that his dream — “a dream rooted in the American Dream” — can be achieved as we strive to educate Las Vegas’ children!
This past year, a record number of children graduated in Nevada, with schools like Cheyenne High School successfully graduating more children than ever. As we ponder the possibilities and consider the feat that occurred, we can embrace this community’s role in that success.
Undoubtedly, this success included a vast network of caring adults, community leaders, businesses, educators and others. Tangible examples include the renewed focus on mentorship, as evidenced by the first convening of the Nevada State Commission on Mentoring; or the 2nd Annual “Ending the School to Prison Pipeline” Conference. Other examples include public-private partnerships, like the inaugural “Elevate Your GPA” and “Mentor Match Up” contests — where local students were recognized for academic improvement and/or supported to identify sustainable careers with help from local businesses like Walker Furniture and the Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas.
Everyone has a role to play in the success of our students. While we traditionally recognize the role of parents and educators, let’s honor the spirit of Dr. King by staying mindful that it requires an entire community!