WELL WOMEN OF COLOR | Rosalind Brooks
April 16, 2018 by Las Vegas Black Image Magazine
Filed under Health
Spring Into Health
With the change of season, it’s out with the old and in with the new. But it doesn’t have to be just about spring cleaning and reorganizing — it’s also a great time to start healthy new habits. Here are a few tips to get a head start on better health!
Start an Exercise Routine. The weather is warm and the days are longer — which makes for a perfect combination to get active outside. Simple exercises such as walking benefit your cardiovascular system and help with burning calories.
Revamp Your Diet with Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Take advantage of the variety of vegetables available during spring. A healthy diet includes adding vegetables and fruit every day. Fruit is also a good source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Visit your local community garden or farmers market.
Tidy Up Your Kitchen. Cooking your own food is a necessary part of eating better — and it will help you save money. Having a clean, organized kitchen is one step toward wanting to be in your kitchen. Go through your cabinets to get them clean, fresh, and clutter-free. This will make cooking more pleasurable and simple. And you can donate any unused, non-perishable items to your local food bank.
These are just a few things to help you spring into Health! For more health hacks, food and health plans along with support check out www.wellwomenofcolor.com. We are also on Facebook, join our group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/wellwomenofcolor. We’d love to have you!