Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Happy Father’s Day!

Happy Father’s Day!


Eric Troy

We often hear the saying that you look, sound, walk, and even act like your father. You see, DNA — deoxyribonucleic acid — contains the code that every organism needs to develop, live, and reproduce. In the spiritual sense, Jesus had his father’s DNA; that provided him with a foundation for how to live his life and die an untimely death so that we might live. Although God was not a physical presence in Jesus’ life, he knew the purpose of his time on Earth.

As we celebrate fathers, I’m blessed and thankful that my dad, Rev. Leon Troy Sr., provided me with the blueprint and direction on what it means to be a father. He showed love to my mother through his actions, not just words. By demonstrating his love to my mother, he showed me and my brothers that by serving and providing for my mother and us, the foundation had been laid for us to know how to accept our role as a fathers.

I’m so blessed to have a daughter who is able to see that the best way to be a father is to not only show my love to her mother through my actions, but to be present in her life and to let her know that I love her! The definition of a father is a man who exercises paternal care over other persons; a paternal protector or provider.

Whether or not your dad is physically present in your life, you carry his DNA. So my question to all fathers is this: how are your making sure that your DNA continues to develop, live and reproduce in your family, community, and — yes — the world? It is your responsibility to make sure your DNA never dies due to the lack of nurturing, love, and wisdom.

My daughter Ray shared a Father’s Day card with me. It said: “When I look at you, I don’t just see my father, I see a Black man who is proud of his heritage, who lives his life with humor, strength, and integrity. A man who seeks his dreams, walks his talk, and makes this family a priority. When I look at you, I see so many reasons to feel proud of you.” I am proud to be a father for life!

Eric Troy M.A. is the President & CEO of Eficionado, a Gahanna, Ohio-based brand transformation strategic partnership agency. He has over three decades of experience in education, advertising, marketing, media relations and sports development in both North America and South Africa — working with Fortune 500 corporations, and advising MLB, NFL, and NBA athletes in the area of brand and image marketing. Eric is considered an expert on black male leadership and community engagement, and has been featured on NPR and ESPN Classics. You can follow him on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and reach him by email at

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