Thursday, January 16, 2025

Ask Your Mother

Moms share secrets for raising healthy, happy children

Mary J. Brooks-Clayton A mother should put — and keep — God first. Trust that God has blessed you with the tools to keep faith in him as well as yourself. Trust and respect your children, and they will trust and respect you. Instill the fear of God in their lives.

Lorri Holloman The secret to being a great mother is having an open heart — and listening twice as much as you speak.

Lakiko V. Cole Understand that you are human and will make mistakes. There is no guidebook for being a good mother. Being a great mother is about being there when your children need you, and being honest and open with them. I always ask myself the question, “Do my children respect what they see when they look at me?”

Kimberly Smith I always have open communication with my children. I talk to them to impress upon them to be leaders and not followers — and that practice makes perfect.

Dena Gaskin The secret is to be the best example you can be, and put God in the upbringing of your children. Teach them compassion, self-respect and respect for others.

Alicia Henson As a mother, I learned to be patient, to teach, and to hold my children accountable for their actions. Praise them for doing well, and love them to the ends of the earth — no matter what.

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