Saturday, July 27, 2024

PEACE: Be the individual you want your culture to be!


We have all experienced it: those times when you had hoped for a better reaction from yourself or others who represent your culture. And there are times when your culture is positively represented, making you proud of people who exhibit extraordinary character — a character embodied in compassion, intelligence, empathy, strength, and selflessness.

The embrace of others is the love you give yourself. The unification that is missing within the culture is the womb that needs to heal while in motion. We can be the motion while mending the wrongs we see — and be engaged in the culture we hope for. The release of negativities is a must. Words that splinter feelings and drag down someone’s name should be exiled from our tongues. The concept of building one up instead of taking someone down should be the commitment.

Working on the retaliation response is one that we all have to be conscious of — and control — when others have hurt us. We must remember that the cycle of hate within the culture will persist as long as we respond to a negative with a negative.

From the beginning, America was designed to keep our acts against one another negative — in order to gain control over the masses. Even today, with only one or two persons representing our culture in certain power structures, we still experience “crab in the barrel” actions from sisters or brothers who are selected above others.

This is why self-empowerment is so crucial. Building a power structure within your own home, community, and life will expose our legacy to create the sustainable culture we must build. Each day we must walk in our queendom and kingdom. The whole world follows the smiles we share. The ingredients of our gumbo should never be denied. Our cultural mixture must first be embraced and loved within our own homes and minds, before others will respect the unity in our cultural power.

You can be the culture you want to be. Your greetings to others who look like you should be filled in love. Show in your every motion that “We are one.” Even with those who are unaware of the culture moment, show them the way and they will learn and follow. Be the example of what you want our children to have: a world where they don’t feel alone. Yes, we need to have each other’s backs — and remember anything that takes us away from that is designed to break the walls our ancestors built to protect us.

Peace will be found in being the culture you want to be.

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