July 14, 2018 by Las Vegas Black Image Magazine
Filed under Community
A Real Safety Net for Our Kids
In the wake of the school shootings occurring nationally, we must come to understand that real safety includes the psychological security of knowing that others care, others will notice, and others will respond. Kids need the safety of knowing that others care when they are hurting and believe there is no way out; the safety of knowing that others will notice their presence, absence, needs, challenge, value, and crisis; the safety of knowing that someone will respond when they believe there is nowhere left to turn.
In the absence of this safety, we are finding there is no safety net for our children in schools. More and more, children are choosing harm in the absence of this safety.
Mistakenly, we believe that children are “snapping.” When in reality, what has snapped is their belief in our ability to notice, care about, and respond to their pain, challenges, and needs. Believing the lines of communication, hope or change have “snapped,” children are harming themselves and others!
As a community, we cannot sit idly by and watch as children lose their lives, one after another. We must ensure there is a safety net in place for children who believe they are the forsaken, forgotten, and forgone.
If we are to be successful in ensuring all children are safe, we must be successful in ensuring no child goes unnoticed. We must be successful in ensuring all children are heard. We must be successful in ensuring that children understand the possibility of a new day unfettered by pain. This is the safety we must demand and ensure, if we are to ensure our children’s safety.