Community Speaks
August 15, 2018 by Las Vegas Black Image Magazine
Filed under Community
‘What are your thoughts on the Trump administration’s action to separate immigrant families at the border?’

Martine O’Neil This atrocity is nothing new to the United States. The current leadership would have fit in very well during some of America’s darkest periods. We had slavery, reconstruction (better known as Jim Crow), separate but equal, and now this. All we need now is a name for what is happening. How about “Monstergate”?

Shelia Henderson Glenn I can’t imagine this happening to me, but my ancestors can! Until someone is so desperate to save their children that they would walking sometimes hundreds of miles, how dare anyone say, “Well, they shouldn’t have come here in the first place?” This country is in a very dark place right now.

Lisa Mack This is nothing new for the United States government. It’s just been a while since we’ve experienced this kind of atrocity. Please remember that African slavery, Trail of Tears, Chinese Exclusion Acts, Japanese Internment, and segregation are all very much a part of this country’s history. Technically, these so-called immigrants were here first. We are on stolen land. Let’s not forget that. These native people from the Southern region of America had this land taken from them by the European immigrants, who were exiled or just wanted to try to create better life for themselves. Let these people claim asylum, stay with their families and become citizens and productive contributors to this society. We owe them that much.

Stephen Munford I’m part Indian and have direct descendants who was forced from their homes into boarding schools. They lost their language, customs, religion, and identity. That was even a greater crime than being forced from our families.

Wilma Easley-Roberts I’m so glad that enough attention brought about reunification. So, what else did we miss while this was going on? Well, what about the stricter laws on receiving food stamps that just passed? It never fails that while everyone’s focus is on a hot topic, other crucial issues get past everyone. We must be careful of the smokescreens. Peace!