Thursday, January 16, 2025

To the East

September 6, 2018 by  
Filed under Extra

The Mayes family decided to visit Asia as a gift for daughter Melanie, for her graduation from Duke University. She had long dreamed of visiting an elephant sanctuary in Thailand — and the trip grew into a journey that included Hong Kong and Singapore.

This collection of precious photographs shows how the Mayes family experienced a variety of cultures, cuisines, and beautiful sights in in Asia. Mom Annette Mayes summed up the experience: “Hong Kong was crowded and busy, Thailand was laid-back and relaxing, and Singapore was very sophisticated and high-tech. There was something wonderful about them all.”

Asian marketplace

Torrey Mayes pets an elephant in Thailand.

Hong Kong skyline

Dr. Annette Mayes enjoys the Asian culture.

Orlando Mayes and son Torrey enjoy scuba diving.

Mayes family enjoy their Asian summer vacation.

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