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Humanity Is At The Fork In The Road In America

November 19, 2018 by  
Filed under Community

Humanity Is At The Fork In The Road In America


Louie Overstreet

This column will be published before the results of the November election are known. However, I am of the opinion that these results will likely reflect which fork in the road Americans will travel in the future.

Will we take the road of a more humane and just society that leads to progressive outcomes, or the road of an inhumane and unjust society that leads to unbridled tribalism?

I can remember reading the Burma Shave signs, when our family traveled down south every summer for vacation back in the late 1940s and early 1950s. The signs along the road we have been traveling since January 20, 2017, to reach the fork in road that we are at now, have not been positive ones. The Signposts I read were the following:

  • Appointment of incompetent people to senior administrative positions
  • Need for special counsel to investigate charges of Russian interference in the 2016 election for President
  • Reasons for massive resignations in the first 18 months of the Idiot President’s Administration
  • Comments by the President designed to promote racial and economic division
  • Idiot President’s supporters charged with federal crimes
  • Ill-advised policy that separated migrant parents from their children
  • Appointment of an intemperate, drunken liar to the SCOTUS

As we approach the fork in the road, the first three signs I can see on the road to an inhumane and unjust society say, “Hispanics are breeders, African-Americans are dogs, and periods cause women to act irrationally.”

I can only imagine what the signs farther on down the road will say. History teaches me that Germany used signs to promote inhumanity towards persons of the Jewish faith by referring to them as “rats.” We all know that this and other inhumane signs dotted the road to concentration camps and the Final Solution in the late 1930s through the mid-1940s.

If you think it can’t happen here in America, you had better think again. The results of the November 6, 2018 will be a clear indication of which road Americans have decided to take!

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