MOVING THE NEEDLE: Your Choice, Our Future
November 19, 2018 by Las Vegas Black Image Magazine
Filed under Community
Your Choice, Our Future
November is a time of decision and transition! This month, we will elect new leaders or continue with incumbents — in hopes that they will represent our interests, ideals and needs. Moreover, we will begin a time characterized by thanksgiving and giving.
As this season begins, it is important to note the hallmarks and/or considerations of this unique time. And as our election cycle begins and Election Day approaches, you have an opportunity to revisit your priorities for education. As you do so, I ask you to consider a few questions:
- What role can the prospective leaders play in partnering with me to ensure great outcomes for students?
- What, if any, investments are needed to further the vision I have for education in my community?
- Have I considered the nature and commitment needed at every stage of the education journey? If so, am I able to articulate priorities and enlist the support of leaders to address these priorities?
- How am I willing to support education leaders in achieving the vision I have for students and education in my community?
I also ask you to consider the importance of thanksgiving and giving during this special time. While unrest and uncertainty abounds nationally, we can collectively thwart apathy, disillusionment, and fear by identifying silver linings in these seemingly cloudy times.
As a community, there are things for which we can choose to be thankful. Moreover, we have an opportunity — some might argue, a duty — to find hope, so we might imbue youth with hope. More importantly, our ability to find, maintain, and foster hope in others in these uncertain times is a gift that we can give freely that will keep on giving!
In this month of decision and transition, consider the possibilities, priorities and your opportunities to partner in leading our education system and community to a place of hope and promise!