Tuesday, January 14, 2025

PEACE: When there seems to be none …

November 4, 2018 by  
Filed under Extra, Peace


A chieving peace is often an abstract desire. It is sometimes taken for granted — because you can’t touch it like a physical object that sits on your coffee table waiting to be picked up when you need it.

But we all know that it is real, because you can feel it; it may be in spurts, but it can be felt. Our only job is knowing how to summon the peace we need to enjoy the life around us.

Many people are unaware of the peace that is available to them. We put ourselves in situations that drain the very peace we seek: negative people, negative work, negative relationships. But peace has a friend named courage — an attribute that will bring us out of darkness and open the doors to peace we deserve.

The ability to step out and step up for peace is essential. But it takes courage to make peace a priority in your life. Many are controlled by money and resources that they think will be taken away if they stand up for the peace they want. Yes, things might leave you — and your regular comfort zone will change. Just know that it’s going to be okay.

The universe has your life plan already laid out — and courage is there to help you through any situation. We have to, “Do You,” and it is necessary to hold on to “Your Stuff.” The good stuff that no one or nothing can take away. The stuff that allows you to “Get Out,” away from negative people and negative situations.

There will always be a fair number of negative things in the world, but God equips us with resiliency to face these situations.

But those things that keep gnawing at our soul and self-worth — bringing you down or making you your own worst enemy? They have to be eliminated from your life. The peace we seek is a working process that has to have deliberate intention in your daily schedule. You are WORTH IT.

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