Tuesday, February 18, 2025

PEACE: Living life with purpose

December 18, 2018 by  
Filed under Extra, Peace


The phrase “we grow” is often said without intention. It is almost as if life is revolving around you, instead of you evolving around life and circumstance. So many things that occur in the world around you result in turning off senses in order to stay focused — or to just survive. We awaken when the expectations of our desires are manifested.

The desires we hope for are uncontrollable. With luck and belief in a higher power, our hopes turn into realities. But one of the most attainable things — often overlooked — is our power to lead a life of purpose. The purpose to make humanity and ourselves better. Each day, we are all given the opportunity to go in a direction of productive outcomes.

A woke life is one lived with purpose — never docile in thought or meditation. Rather, in positive motion of self and all that can be shared to enhance conditions around you. Your environment gives you the canvas to paint your purposeful life, with all the vibrant colors of your imagination giving life to your dreams.

As we approach the New Year, your evolution to inner gratification can be realized by your motion toward purpose. The deliberate action to make someone happy will feed back into your soul and fuel your progression.

Living a purposeful life starts in your heart with gratitude for what you have been blessed with. Taking those blessings to the next level of personification will attract concepts and ideas that will lead to success.

Peace awaits when you live a life with purpose.

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