Monday, September 9, 2024

YOU! HAVE THE POWER | Dr. Ellen Brown

December 18, 2018 by  
Filed under Community


After the polls have closed


By now, your power has been accomplished. The elections are over and the majority won across the country.

I have heard some say, “My vote would not have made a difference — they are gonna do what they want anyway.” Well, at this point, it does not matter, because we all did what we wanted to do.

Anyway, I voted — that’s what I wanted to do. Others who did not vote had their reasons. One friend told me she didn’t want to vote because they are all crooks! Another didn’t want to vote because he is registered in Chicago, not out here. And the most original reason for doing what she wanted was, “I only get one day off a week and I need my rest!” (In the future, let’s be sure to share the joy and ease of voting absentee.)

Paying attention to issues and elected officials during their current terms helps prepare us for the next election. As I prepared my sample ballot, many thoughts went through my head, including, “How do I know who the right person is?” I found myself evaluating candidates based on personal preferences and beliefs when I was not as familiar with them as I should have been.

Candidates work hard to present themselves to us based on their professional and personal accomplishments and beliefs, but often a voter’s decision comes down to basics — party affiliation, race, gender, surname, endorsements, and personal experiences with the system in which the candidate is seeking a spot.

Voting is about doing what we want to do anyway. Up for choice were individuals and proposed amendments to our Constitution — and whichever and whatever won now possesses the real power.

What do we do now? We make them accountable for their actions. Write letters, send cards, go to meetings and hearings, show up in court, let them know your opinions and thoughts on the issues. For those you opposed, make them work for the office they won because in the end they are “public servants.”

And when the next election comes, why not listen even more closely to the issues, the candidates, the news to influence your voting decisions. Without the people, there is no power. Next time, what will be your “I’m gonna do what I want to do”?

Ellen writes on political topics that encourage interest, discussion and action. Have a comment, question or idea? Contact Dr. Brown at

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