Tuesday, February 18, 2025

MOVING THE NEEDLE: Vision and resolve

January 27, 2019 by  
Filed under Community

Vision and resolve


Dr Tiffany Tyler

As the new year begins, it is likely that a new resolve is in the air! As we consider what 2019 may hold, I hope we will be resolute about our engagement in education!

Our commitment to improving student outcomes and investing in youth will require us to get informed, get engaged and advocate. One of our most significant opportunities to engage and advocate is within Nevada’s legislative process.

This session will begin with the first Democratic governor in 20 years and the first female-majority legislature in American history. While these are truly historic times in some respects, there are some constants — the 80th legislative session will likely include a strong focus on education.

Education topics of great significance include the ongoing charge to address education funding, education equity and school safety. There will likely be discussion about the need to expand early childhood education, the evolving K-12 education landscape, and higher education. No matter the topic, one fact remains: our children are best supported when we all get informed, get engaged and advocate!

As you craft your resolutions for the new year, I encourage you to consider how you can get informed, get engaged and advocate. In a recent interview with Assemblyman Tyrone Thompson, Chair of the Nevada Assembly Education Committee, community engagement was highlighted as a critical aspect of the legislative process. As Thompson noted, “We need everyone’s perspective and voices at the table. More importantly, we need the voices and perspectives of students as we address the issues impacting their lives!”

One way to get informed and to advocate is through engagement with the education committees in the state Assembly and Senate.

During the 80th Legislative Session, the Senate committee will meet on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and its counterpart in the Assembly will convene every Tuesday and Thursday. Members of the community are encouraged to share their perspective and their voices at these standing meetings. As a community, we can also engage and stay informed by following the legislative process at leg.state.nv.us.

Our children need our resolve!

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