Monday, September 9, 2024

PEACE: Boom! It’s a New Year

January 27, 2019 by  
Filed under Extra, Peace


The excitement is in the air each time a new year is upon us. But there is also lingering anxiety about the unknown.

We may try to plan out our year, days and hours — but no one really knows what each day will bring. We have faith that our days will be bright and that it will be good. The light fights off all darkness. So are you equipped with tools to help you cope with what a new year brings?

Hold on to God’s gifts to give you the peace you long for. Our universe rotates on change, so it makes complete sense that change lives in our being. Many are uncomfortable with change, but it can’t be ignored. It enters one’s life voluntarily or it crashes into your moments of self when you least expect it.

We hold on to life’s memorable times to reflect on good feelings created by fleeting moments. But newness demands our attention. We must be prepared and open to the unfamiliar and dive in with a take-charge mindset.

The energy from your emotions can build a nation. I always say that I write to stay connected to my ancestors — who faced the new, dealt with change, and survived it all so that I could be here. Yes, I step into the year with clear insight and loving arms to hold on tight with gratitude for all that surrounds me.

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