Wednesday, January 22, 2025


Aunt Becky with the bad pair (of college students)?

Whew, chile-lay get on in here — this one will be a full cup!

#1. So you remember Aunt Becky from “Full House” (or maybe the Netflix update “Fuller House”)? Her offscreen name is Lori Loughlin, and she’s accused of paying over $500,000 to get her daughters into USC.

For $500K, I’m going to need them to have the degree in hand already. She paid to have them on the school’s rowing team, but get this: neither daughter has ever showed up for a single practice.


She, along with actress Felicity Huffman and many others, was arrested and released on bail totaling over $1 million. Lori’s Hallmark show was pulled, and her daughters lost their endorsements they earned from promoting their dorm room styles.

I say all that to bring up a young Ohio woman by the name of Kelly Williams, who back in 2011 lied about her address to get her daughters into a better school district. (Before you ask, yes — she is black.)

The school hired a private investigator to determine if she really lived in the district. (Yes, you read that right: private investigator)

Kelly was ask to repay $30,000 in tuition — and after refusing, was taken to court and sentenced to 10 days in jail, 3 years of probation and community service.

Let’s not kid ourselves: this kind of thing happens all the time — so could this be because they are women? Or maybe an example needs to be made? Would you do it for your child?

#2. It looks like a bill has been introduced in the Nevada Assembly that would ban companies from testing for pot in employment drug tests. The bill states that they can hire you even if you have it in your system, but does not protect you from any post-hire marijuana-use stipulations.

I can see the loopholes now. SMH.

It’s interesting to see how some employers are completely against it, yet marijuana sales have generated over $70mil for the state of Nevada.

Sooooooo … we need to meet in the middle.

As far as the stipulations, I believe some positions will need that — such as drivers, nurses and a few other jobs that will not allow it during regular hours. But once I clock out, I’m on my own time! Chile bye!

#3. So we all are here for nostalgia of our favorite teen groups getting back together and going on tour. MC Hammer announces his tour with En Vogue, Tone Loc, Sir Mix-a-Lot, 2 Live Crew and Montell Jordan.

Not gonna lie: you had me at MC Hammer-

My favorite is the B2K reunion tour! With Mario, Chingy, Ying Yang Twins and Pretty Ricky — but we all know that you can’t get all these stars together without a little bit of drama. So it appears some old feelings came back for a B2K member.

Let me catch y’all up real quick: Back in the day, it was alleged that B2K manager Chris Stokes molested some of the members — so when member Raz-B saw him around the group, he freaked and took to IG to discuss his concerns.

Which I totally understand and agree with. I mean, THE NERVE.

He made a video saying he was out of the tour because of his discomfort and even suggested he’s ready to go to Lifetime and tell his story.

Honestly if that will help him get through it, then do it — expose away. But it appears something happened within a 24-hour period, because he followed up with him being back on and it’s all good. So we’ll have to keep an eye out for that. I definitely don’t think he would have to force himself into an uncomfortable situation.

But don’t put your cup down — more tea will be served.


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