Community Speaks – May 2019
May 22, 2019 by Las Vegas Black Image Magazine
Filed under Community, Photos
What’s the best advice your mother ever gave you?

Yesica Quiles My mother always says to me, “Love no matter what. No matter how ugly they may be inside, always love.”

Wilma Easley Roberts Always make sure you have your own: your own money, house, car, and most of all, husband.

Skye Dee Miles After my first heartbreak my mama, Carmen Jones, told me: “This too shall pass.” She was so right.

Shelia Henderson Glenn I was raised by my grandmother. There were two things she would say that I will never forget. “Don’t care if you marry a gorilla — if you love him, I will love him too.” Also, she would say, “When you scream and yell, all the person remembers is the screaming and yelling.” She was straight with no chaser.

Monica Y. Beasley “Love yourself first” … “Never sleep with a man unless you are willing to have his baby” … “Always have you own, start a business and don’t expect others to spoil you.” I’m blessed she’s still teaching me.

Leon Bilbrew III Ms. Annise Bullock would tell me, “What you expect others to do is your greatest downfall.”

LaVona Lewis “Lead with compassion baby girl. You never know just how much someone needs it,” said Joyce M. Leggett (RIP). I miss her so much.

Ausby Slay The two things that my mother would tell be was, “Boy, if you stood in a circle of people and you all tossed your problems in the center, you would be the first one on your hands and knees taking yours back. She would also say: “When you’re ready to get married, remember to let your wife benefit from all the good you’ve learned along the way and not suffer the mistakes you’ve made. Be a bad boyfriend now, in order to be a good husband later.”

Antrese Dickens Always present your truth and honesty. Be your authentic self, and it’s okay to wear your heart on your sleeve.”