Wednesday, February 12, 2025

NUBIAN WELLNESS: The shifts are accelerating — get off the sidelines

November 12, 2019 by  
Filed under Extra

Body, mind and spirit maintenance is my mental health recipe.


Tiffany Mayes Eholor

We stand on the shoulders of the ancestors who came before us. Thank God they never gave up — despite the adversity they faced. Whenever I feel defeated, discouraged or enraged by the injustices of our world, I remember: Character is revealed through pressure. I remember nothing great is ever established alone. I remember that I am my family’s keeper — no matter the disagreements — because together we are stronger. I ask myself, what causes have I joined hands with locally, selflessly, in order to educate our youth for the future?

Allow me to share two local organizations that not only represent brilliant leading lights in the State of Nevada, but also reach far beyond our community for the development of unity, communication and business on a global scale.

The African Chamber of Commerce & Tourism (ACCAT) Las Vegas presented a beautiful weekend celebration with AfrikFest 2019 — bridging our local Las Vegas community to the global African community through business, culture and truth. As a native Nevadan, I have never witnessed our state so organized and galvanized and ready to partner forward with the continent of Africa. I am encouraged! As I attended the Trade and Business Summit on How to do Business with Africa, I felt like I was back in New York! The attendees at this summit were diverse, seasoned, traveled and successful in their businesses. I was elated to know that my fellow Las Vegas neighbors were equally ready to share and gain information from around the continent of Africa! Business is rapidly progressing in Africa, and it is time for Nevadans to be involved. I highly recommend reaching out to this chamber and engaging if you are at all interested in investing in Africa.

A Night of African Excellence Awards Gala 2019 was a showcase of diverse African dignitaries and philanthropists showing up from the continent of Africa to support one another for their accomplishments in their communities both in the United States and Africa. Having the honor of sitting in this room brought me back to the first time I was in Africa. The power of humility, perseverance, dignity and spirit inspires me to my core — and always reminds me of our history before American slavery. Mental health awareness is remembering where we came from, in order to understand what we are living to move toward.

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) held its 2019 Freedom Fund Gala, themed, “The Change I Want to See Begins With Me.”

The NAACP was founded in 1909. Just imagine the transitional changes in leadership throughout the decades and generations, hold together this organization together on a global scale. The leadership team for NAACP Branch #1111 Las Vegas orchestrated the night of the gala, as they presented and acknowledged our local leaders. It inspired me to remember: we, as a people, together, are magically resilient. I looked across the crowd of leaders from the young up-and-coming community organizers trailblazing light for our youth, to the top government leaders representing us in D.C. — and spirit reminded me: we are all one. One is never greater than another; we are all specifically here to give our individual talents.

The shifts are accelerating; can you feel them? Take a deep breath and give thanks for your life. Now is the time to re-join hands and unite because the ride may be bumpy, but together we are stronger.

Locally, nationally and globally, I give eternal thanks to our leaders who have passed before us — for their courage to engage within systems and organizations that are not always perfect. I thank God for their resilience. All movements are in progress through process to empower. Standing on the sidelines and saying nothing at this time in history is only a setback for our future generations to come.

Let us continue to receive guidance from our ancestors that passed before us, to give us the courage to speak our truth today in Las Vegas. Let us hold one another accountable through the challenges and successes we face daily. Let us continue, for the sake of our children’s mental health.

The things you are passionate about are not random — they are your calling. Though I have shared a few things I am interested in, I call out to the youth to find what matters to you and show up locally to learn more. If it doesn’t yet exist, collaborate. You never know who you will inspire by sharing your story while inevitably inspiring yourself. Be the change you want to see. We are the leaders we’ve been looking for.

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