Tuesday, January 21, 2025

PEACE: Peace in the movement

November 1, 2019 by  
Filed under Extra, Peace

We all experience anxiety and tension. Many times it is because our “overthinking” is moving faster than our physical body. There is an old saying: “If you can’t do anything about a situation right at that moment—then it’s best to throw it out of your mind.” It is not good to have negative thoughts disrupt your mind, body and soul.

There is a difference between thinking about a strategy to address a problem and thinking of a problem and how it is affecting you. We must “keep it moving.” That means moving on from thoughts that may be holding you back from reaching a particular goal. Physical movement will release the mind from worry and despair.

God has given you a perfectly peaceful backdrop: the magnificence of nature. The refreshing breeze and the beauty of the sky, mountains, and trees can bring tremendous relief from negative thoughts that can imprison you.

Keep your body in motion and your mind will follow — opening the mental doors for all possibilities. Trust yourself to listen to the GPS of your mind. Emotions can lead to uncharted waters, so weigh out all the pros and cons and follow the best conscious decision you can make for the best positive return.

Your faith is the foundation for trust. Keep your faith in constant movement for proactive actions towards the life you deserve. The peaceful mind is a strong and active one. Positive social involvement will feed the energy required to “keep-on-keeping-on.”

Wake up in prayer of thankfulness, then put on the “good-good” to stay in motion — so peace can find you.

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