Tuesday, January 21, 2025

PEACE: Standing on strong shoulders

November 12, 2019 by  
Filed under Extra, Peace

As you look into the mirror and see the person you are — and all that you have overcome to bring you to the space you’re in right now — remember one thing: you are a legacy of someone else’s sacrifice. The tides may change and time moves on, but it is important to remember that someone was here before you. Someone took the steps that were less trodden and spoke the words that challenged mediocrity.

But where does that tug in our stomach and heart come from? That which makes you stand when all sit? Your hunger for awareness when others choose to look away? And the courage to lead when others want to follow?

We are all students instructed by life’s circumstances, but there is a source of the tenacity, strength, and perseverance within our soul. The internal calm and empathy — which serves as a compass for navigating through the forest in search of the trees — is a miraculous gift given by whom? He made all things, but the image of Him is embedded in souls that historically lift us to a place of wonder.

Well, the groundwork was laid a long time ago — before you ever knew you. The strength of our ancestors runs through our veins, galvanizing our DNA for unbelievable feats. As we are blessed to learn about those who came before us, the foundation for life’s journey becomes unbreakable.

We breathe in the good and exhale environments and actions that are not in rhythm with our historic drum. The drum within our hearts and souls that makes us dance to the original tune playing in the background of our lives.

Makes you want to jump! And always remember: when you land, you are standing on the shoulders of magnificence!

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