Protecting Patients and Families
September 10, 2020 by
Filed under Highlights
Protecting Patients and Families
By Cassandra Cotton, Nathan Adelson Hospice Community Outreach Manager
The ability to choose where to spend one’s final days is so important to everyone involved. It is comforting to be in a familiar environment, surrounded by the people and things you love.
The original concept of hospice was caring for the terminally ill in their own homes with their family and loved ones. Today, over 90% of hospice and palliative care takes place at a patient’s home. Whether your home is a skilled nursing facility, an assisted living facility, an independent living facility, or the house you have always lived in, hospice care is available where you need it.
As the COVID-19 outbreak continues to evolve daily, good hospice providers need to proceed with an abundance of caution to protect patients and their families. For you and your family’s safety, providers are relying more on technology to limit exposure to patients. All routine clinical visits can be conducted over video or telephone. This includes social workers providing supportive counseling, arranging for meal delivery or linking patients to community resources. This also includes chaplains in providing spiritual care services, support groups and virtual memorial services.
Of course, there are visits to patients’ homes that must be made in person, such as a medical emergency or providing medical equipment. Hospice providers take their responsibility very seriously when entering a patient’s home, and their highest priority is keeping you safe.
In keeping with our mission and values, the quality of care we provide to our patients and the safety of our staff remain the two most important priorities at Nathan Adelson Hospice.
We are very proud of our homecare teams. They provide excellent care for our patients in an unprecedented time. It is our vision that no one ends the journey of life alone, afraid or in pain.