Thursday, January 16, 2025

YOU! HAVE THE POWER | Dr. Ellen Brown

September 10, 2020 by  
Filed under Extra

Why we cant wait



In 1964, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. released his book with this title. Its focus was to impress upon Blacks, people of color, America, and the world that time had come for “The Negro Revolution.” While his platform was nonviolence, he made it noticeably clear that violence toward Black people was atop of the list of reasons why this revolution must go forward.

That revolution did take place. Many Black people died — including Dr. King — for their steadfast commitment to not waiting any longer for equality and justice. Now, 56 years later, are we still waiting? Dr. King’s plan of nonviolence brought arguments for and against, but the fact remains: Blacks in America are still waiting for equality, justice, respect, safety, opportunity, and everything this country’s constitution has promised to citizens and immigrants. No, we cannot wait — we do not want to wait any longer and we cannot stop fighting for justice and equal rights

Are there struggles and problems within our communities and among our people that we must acknowledge, take responsibility for and address? Yes. Can that wait? No! “The upcoming 2020 presidential election is one of the most pivotal elections in our lifetime and will be heavily influenced by the Black electorate,” said Derrick Johnson, NAACP President and CEO.

So, in 2020, the reasons why we can’t wait are still on the table. “What can I do?” you ask. Answer: become part of the solution! Arm yourself with knowledge and information about the systems that determine your access to equality. Learn the political issues at stake on all levels: city, county, state, national; know who the current players are and make them convince you to let them into the game.

Do not cop out. Make choices and then campaign for those people and their platforms by talking to your church members, neighbors, coworkers, family and friends — even strangers you may engage in small talk.

Finally, be registered to vote! If you are eligible but do not vote, then you have wasted power for all of us. If you are not eligible, stay in the game by recruiting others to knock on doors, pass out fliers, transport people to the polls. Let’s all be a part of the underground railroad that cannot wait for those who are not at the next stop. WE CANNOT WAIT!

Dr. Ellen Brown, an Affiliate Faculty member at Regis University, Denver, CO. writes on political topics that encourage interest, discussion, and action. Contact Dr. Brown at

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