Monday, September 9, 2024

Dealing With COVID Fatigue

October 19, 2020 by  
Filed under Health

Dealing With COVID Fatigue

By Cassandra Cotton, Nathan Adelson Hospice Community Outreach Manager


By now, we’re growing weary of the word. We are all exhausted after months of sacrifice, isolation, frustration, and uncertainty. We are grappling with a new reality and a new way of describing how we are all feeling: “COVID fatigue.”

With COVID fatigue, you might become worn out from necessary precautions and safety measures. Your sense of urgency may fade, or you are simply tired of complying with guidelines. COVID-19 stress is taking a toll on our entire community, leaving constant uncertainty and a longing for our old way of life.

Acknowledging this fatigue is important for our collective safety and health, and for ensuring our success in protecting the most vulnerable in our community.

It is up to each member of the community to ensure that you do not fall victim to COVID fatigue. Southern Nevada is a small, close-knit community — and we are all very proud of our home. We must remain vigilant in this fight, and keep doing our best to keep our community and loved ones safe from coronavirus exposure.

Nathan Adelson Hospice promises to remain the community’s trusted partner in hospice and palliative care. We continue building trust one patient and one family at a time. We built trust each time we provide care — whether it is medical, social, emotional or spiritual. We built trust by exhibiting compassion and professionalism, day in and day out, year after year.

We build it by setting an example in how we conduct ourselves and remaining compliant with all CDC and state health guidelines.

And we build it by remembering we are all in this together. Stay safe and healthy.

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