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Vote — and keep our American democracy alive

October 12, 2020 by  
Filed under Feature

Vote — and keep our American democracy alive

Each one of us needs to make a plan to vote, and cannot allow anything to keep us from casting a ballot on or before November 3. We owe it to our neighbors, to our country, and to the very idea of life as we know it.

We owe it to our ancestors.

No one has a greater claim on this democracy than Black Americans, who survived the horrors of slavery and Jim Crow — and led a civil rights movement on behalf of all people. We have always been the conscience and engine of the nation: one of us was the first to die in the American Revolution, we poured the foundation of the world’s biggest economy, and embody the values that drive our citizens to continue demanding equal justice under the law

And we make history. President Barack Obama knows something about that — and in a new video, he urges Nevadans to know that history and make a plan for one of the many ways to make their voices heard: voters can mail in their ballots, opt to early vote, or vote in person on Election Day, November 3. They also have the option to put their ballots in official drop boxes across the state — with early voting taking place October 17-30.

Every voter has a part in protecting our democracy. So commit to voting and let your voice — and your history — ring loud.

Go to that is helping voters to easily request and return their ballots by mail, as well as learn important information about the voting process in their state as they make their plan to vote.

The video highlights how, in Nevada, voters have several options to conveniently cast their ballot. Nevadans can vote early in-person starting on October 17; return their ballot by mail or in-person; or vote in-person on Election Day.




The DNC and Biden campaign recently rolled out new features on — Democrats’ voter participation website — that help voters easily request and return their ballot by mail, as well as learn important information about the voting process in their state as they make their plan to vote. The site is also completely accessible in Spanish at

Preview YouTube video How To Vote In: Nevada


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