Saturday, July 27, 2024

YOU! HAVE THE POWER | Dr. Ellen Brown

November 16, 2020 by  
Filed under Community

Twenty power moves for 2020



The only place from where we can take action on anything is where we are at that point in time. Even though the activity may be in the future, its planning process must occur as an action in real time. The cliché that comes to mind is, “Today is all we have; when tomorrow gets here, it’s today and when we look back it’s yesterday.”

Wherever you are today in your thinking, planning, or doing, what action can you take? Now is not the time to throw up your hands, shake your head, roll your eyes, and wait for someone’s next move. Our lives in this country will go on, with or without the baggage of the past 4 years. Some things will continue, others will not.

How will you prepare for the future? There’s no question: for many of us, 2020 has been the worst year of our lives, but we have made it through 10 months — even if hanging by a thread. Now is not the time to give up. Here are 20 power moves we can make to go forward “from where we are”:

  • Keep the faith!
  • Step out on faith!
  • Pray. Meditate. Think.
  • Stay positive!
  • Talk about your frustrations
  • Help others by sharing what you have
  • Know that one thing is for sure: “This, too, shall pass”
  • Get rid of that which is no longer relevant
  • Open up to new, “never thought I would do that” ideas
  • Stay involved, get involved, involve others
  • Embrace the new normal; embrace the future
  • Downsize
  • Never give up
  • Remember those who gave their lives and whose lives were “stolen”
  • Support those who are out there doing what is important to you
  • Donate $5, $10, $17 to a NEW cause
  • Laugh out loud
  • Look to the future through eyes of today
  • Get involved to become part of the next solution
  • Make a commitment to contribute to change from where you are
  • YOU! Only you have your power!

Dr. Ellen Brown, an Affiliate Faculty member at Regis University, Denver, CO. writes on political topics that encourage interest, discussion, and action. Have a comment, question, or idea? Contact Dr. Brown at

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