Tuesday, January 14, 2025

PEACE: Continuing the Legacy

January 21, 2021 by  
Filed under Extra, Peace

So many are passing on before us. Those who paved the way for us to stand firm and continue the good fight for positive change. Yes, someone was there before — whether you know or not. But you best believe someone was there making the imprint so that you might be able to develop your idea or concept.

Recognition and acceptance that someone was here before will only give you peace as you take it to another level. Some people like to believe that it was their idea or action to make everything in one’s life possible. The truth is that history is making your dream happen and only you can destroy it or build upon the framework.

It does no one any good to just talk about or remember the works of our forefathers. Our forefathers’ only prayer is that we, their legacy, grab onto their positive concepts of advancements and make them bigger and better. While keeping the ultimate mission of “unity” at the forefront.

There will always be forces trying to break down people united, even some of those who look like us are insecure about a loving and united community. But it is clear that no one man or woman stands alone. We all should make the commitment to stand by one another’s side in good and bad times.

Your will is strong and can build new heights for mountains to soar. Words are powerful and can be used to tear apart or bring together conscious and meaningful movement.

Look within to fertilize the legacy in you. Research who and what was done that is making your inherited ideas come true. Your worth in waiting there in the balance. Never forget.

The marathon continues, and so does the legacy.

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