Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Runway to her dreams

January 4, 2021 by  
Filed under Highlights

Runway to her dreams

Arianna Robinov’s Las Vegas boutique is more than a destination — it’s a destiny.

Jacinta Boutique, located in the Town Square Mall, offers more than the typical retail shopping experience. Why? It’s a personal touch made even more powerful because it is the fulfillment of a lifelong dream.

While growing up in Seattle, owner/operator Arianna Robinov knew at a very young age that she wanted to be a player in the fashion and beauty industry. “I was 13 when I knew I wanted to be a model. And I knew … the agency I wanted to model for: John Roberts Powers Modeling and Talent Agency,” she recalled. “I reached out to one of their agents and the next day I received a response. He was so impressed with me because he had never received an email from a 13-year-old who knew what she wanted.”

As a young girl, Arianna was transfixed by her mother’s beauty routine and the clothes she wore on nights out. “I was infatuated with the process of just getting ready, making yourself look good, and being presentable when going out,” she said. “I think that is very important. I grew up seeing that — and knew that one day I would become a model.”

After building an international modeling portfolio, Arianna went on to teach runway modeling at the Powers Agency, and then became a leading makeup artist after leaving the agency at 19. “I realized that I didn’t want to remain in the modeling industry and became a makeup artist for Lancôme and Sephora,” she said. “The modeling industry is very hard and requires very thick skin. I just didn’t want to be a part of an industry that made women feel bad about themselves.”

As a young adult, Arianna began contemplating her next move. Growing tired of Seattle’s weather, she decided to relocate to either Las Vegas or California. “I knew that California would be a place that required a higher cost of living and I would have to get roommates to afford an apartment there,” she said. “So I decided on moving to Las Vegas because I enjoyed the weather and it was affordable.”

Shortly after moving to Las Vegas, Arianna met Richard, the man who would become her husband. He decided to invest in his wife’s dream of becoming a business owner.

“Initially we didn’t know what kind of business we wanted to start in Las Vegas. First, we thought about opening a smoothie shop using marijuana leaves that are considered a superfood,” she said. “You don’t have an effect when you consume the leaves or get high from the leaves — it’s just the best greens you can have out of all the greens.”

After going back and forth discussing business ideas to open, Arianna decided on what she knew best: fashion. She decided to open a retail store. “We had the best grand-opening for our store in Town Square Mall in January — and three months after we had to close our business pursuant to the Governor’s mandate because of COVID-19,” she said. “It was the worst time to open our business and we really didn’t get a chance to build on our plans for Jacinta Boutique. But, I am so hopeful and excited to have our business doors opened with offering customers a premier shopping experience.”

The Jacinta Boutique prides itself on being interactive with its customers while offering the best in customer service.

“Customer service is one of the main reasons I wanted to open up my Jacinta Boutique,” said Robinov. “It’s so important to make people feel special and that you understand their needs. We set ourselves apart from others by offering a total feel-good-while-looking-good experience. You can try on, shop for the latest trends in fashion, enjoy some champagne, and walk down the famous Jacinta Boutique runway with your friends. I genuinely care about making women feel good. That is what I think anyone will take away from my boutique.”

For additional information about Jacinta Boutique you can visit www.shopJacinta.com, find ShopJacinta on Instagram, or call at (702) 815-5824. All Nevada residents receive 30% off all items at Jacinta Boutique.

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