Monday, September 9, 2024

Trusted Partners

January 21, 2021 by  
Filed under Health

Trusted Partners

By Cassandra Cotton, Nathan Adelson Hospice Community Outreach Manager

With a turbulent year behind us, as we struggle to discover what the new normal will be in 2021, one thing that hasn’t changed is the critical need for trusted medical care — especially at the end of life, when people are most vulnerable.

Tailoring care to individuals as well as diverse communities is key to building that trust. By listening to a patient’s and family’s stories and respecting their cultural values regarding dying and death, providers are able to personalize the approach for each person.

The need for this type of approach is especially critical for diverse communities and groups like veterans. However, just as a nurse from one culture can help someone from another culture, so too can civilian healthcare providers help veterans.

Nathan Adelson Hospice is a strong proponent of being sensitive to each patient’s culture and beliefs. We know that when our patients and their families feel respected, they are more receptive to care plans and services. Understanding and respecting each culture builds trust and allows hospice professionals the opportunity to deliver culturally specific and needed care.

That is one of the cornerstones of our annual Multicultural Conference, being held online this year in April.

To keep up to date on this event, visit or call (702) 938-9310 for tickets and more information.

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