Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Already, The Worst Decade Of My Life? | By Louie Overstreet

February 8, 2021 by  
Filed under Community

Already, The Worst Decade Of My Life?


Louie Overstreet

We are only in the fourteenth month of the 2020s — and it’s already the worst decade of my lifetime.

In the first decade of my life, the 1940s, America was plunged into WWII — the war where “all gave some and some gave all.”

The 1950s included the Korean Conflict, McCarthy hearings, and the deaths of citizens engaged in the struggle for civil rights.

The 1960s brought the Cuban Missile Crisis and the assassinations of JFK, MLK, and RFK. My middle brother was murdered, too.

The 1970s included Vietnam war protests and Nixon’s resignation.

The 1980s saw the explosion of AIDS. My father passed.

The 1990s was the decade that saw Uncle Thomas appointed to SCOTUS, the bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City, and my big brother passed.

The 2000s included 9/11, an ill-advised second Gulf war initiated on false pretenses, and an economic recession.

The 2010s included young Americans losing their lives in Afghanistan, the gutting of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 by the SCOTUS, and my mother’s passing. And of course, Trump was elected.

Over all these decades, the disparate use of deadly force by police departments against citizens of color occurred. However, at no time did I feel America lacked the ability to promote progress towards a more perfect union.

The 2020s is the first time I ever felt the very existence of America as I have known it to be in jeopardy — due to the enabling of a person, serving as POTUS, who represented such a clear and present danger to the American way of life.

He weaponized ill-founded white grievance, catered to corrupt politicians, and exploited the well- known fault lines of race, gender, class, and religion in America.

As a result, he was able to appoint an unprecedented number of corrupt persons who were convicted of crimes or had to resign in disgrace; constantly violated the Constitution; misused public funds; repeatedly used divisive language; forever tarnished the pardon process; and managed to get impeached twice.

Yep, this decade has already been the worst one of my life!

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