PEACE: Refusing to respond to the ‘Gaze’
March 16, 2021 by
Filed under Extra, Peace
Toni Morrison often spoke about the “white gaze,” and how many Black people live to satisfy the invisible approval of the majority — even doing so unconsciously in order to be accepted and assimilated within society. She explained how people need to live in such a way that the voice of any oppressor is silent or nonexistent, allowing one to be truly open to the world’s possibilities and ultimate freedom.
Freedom and peace are inseparable, as we strive to live in true authentic presence of humanity without judgement. Many times the voice of anyone’s oppressor leads to pathology. That pain has been handed down throughout generations, crippling forward motion because of a historic lack of trust.
We have to manage unfair treatment brought on by discrimination and prejudice. Our personal selves can properly compartmentalize experiences and rebuke a paralyzing gaze that cripples progressive growth.
Many are living a life that is appeasing, so that a certain group or individuals are not threatened by our greatness. Humility is defined — sometimes to a fault, resulting in non-movement or mediocrity. One vote and one voice is forbidden, and often results in limited power.
But you can take back your stuff — the stuff that makes you who you are: your individual opinion and natural embrace of the world around you. Live intentionally as love guides your plan. There, in the quiet of self, lies your freedom.