Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Cox Innovation Lab opens in West Las Vegas

April 7, 2021 by  
Filed under Conversation

Cox Innovation Lab opens in West Las Vegas

Thanks to a generous gift of $25,000 from Cox Communications to The Mayor’s Fund for Las Vegas LIFE, teens and young adults in west Las Vegas now have the opportunity for hands-on learning at the new Cox Innovation Lab at the Strong Future Technology Center on the campus of the Historic Westside School. The Lab, which includes state-of-the-art computers and software, will help to prepare teens and young adults for employment opportunities, ensuring they are well prepared to enter the workforce. The Cox Innovation Lab opened on Feb. 9 in a brief, socially distanced ribbon-cutting that coincided with Safer Internet Day.

“We are grateful for partners like Cox Communications that are helping us to advance Ward 5 initiatives under The HUNDRED Plan and important city initiatives in the educational and technology spheres to improve quality of life, especially in underserved areas like Westside Las Vegas,” said Las Vegas City Councilman Cedric Crear, Ward 5. “Public-private partnerships are the very foundation of The Mayor’s Fund for Las Vegas LIFE.”

“We’re proud the Cox Innovation Lab at the Strong Future Technology Training Center will expand access to technology in Las Vegas’ Historic Westside, the community that has been home to Cox’s Las Vegas operations for more than a decade,” said Cox VP and Market Leader Michael Bolognini. “Cox Innovation Labs and Cox Technology Centers enable essential digital connections.”

The Mayor’s Fund for Las Vegas LIFE was established in 2018 as a vehicle for corporate and philanthropic partners to support innovative programs that improve quality of life for all Las Vegas residents with a special focus on vulnerable populations. The Fund creates opportunities for public-private partnerships as well as donations of cash, time and in-kind goods and services. Guided by a diverse group of community leaders who serve as members of the Fund’s Advisory Committee, The Fund targets specific community needs with a goal of making Las Vegas a national leader in four areas: Livability, Innovation, Future and Education.

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