PEACE: Stay in the moment
April 7, 2021 by
Filed under Extra, Peace
Life moves so fast and sometimes we are eager to keep up or race past it. When our stride moves at a fast pace, we leave something behind or forgotten in our souls.
Those forgotten moments are precious for our peace, when time stands still and you can notice the springtime hummingbird buzzing at the top of a rose bush. That is the journey, so hold on to that image in your mind to feel the serenity of the universe.
Be one with your universe and those things that are not man made. It will guide you to the land of your base. Giving you a firm foundation to walk. Notice the universal gifts that are so often taken for granted. Our God knew us before us. There are challenges in the world and He equipped the earth around us with gifts to hold on to.
Don’t be blinded by the noise of your environment. Just know, “All will be okay.” Try not to worry about giving any negative situation power over your mind and actions. Stay in the moment of the beauty around you. Those silent conversations have power to lead you to Shangri-La.
Be present with others and listen to a person’s story. Their stories are pathways to your graciousness. We are all connected by the divine. And if you think you are not, that is a mistake. The shadows of one’s life experiences are the thread that links humanity.
Your peace is stationary and it hovers over your mind waiting to rain upon you, but sometimes we might need to slow down to catch its flow. Stay consciously intentional about the peace you desire. Take each moment in rhythmic harmony with your spirit. Your spirit is the home that either propels things away or towards you.
Life is wonderful and spring time reminds us, WE ARE ALIVE! Don’t miss it.
Don’t forget to honor the time you are given. It is the treasure chest that you must value and protect.
Thank you for taking this moment to be you. Peace is there waiting as you embrace every moment.