Wednesday, January 22, 2025

PEACE: Exhale …

May 5, 2021 by  
Filed under Extra, Peace

These are challenging times, and the trauma of the past year sometimes prompts us to rush back to norms we have grown accustomed to being part of our lives.

Take a breath. Move in slower motion, and take time to reflect and think about your next step or the option to stay still.

We all meet time face-to-face — and sometimes we desire to race past it, in hopes that we can leave it behind. Instead, let’s be gentle with our spirit and give it the time to readjust to a post-quarantine reality.

There is a pause in between our thoughts — that’s where peace lives. It is a good idea to consider the time you might need to readjust and heal. Our souls sometimes need space to hear silence and absorb goodwill.

It is so important to respect our other self — the one fueled with love and smiles. The self that embraces you and encourages you to love yourself. Others will be the benefactors.

Exhaling releases the toxins in the soul. The release of air that allows every muscle to relax and find new direction towards calm. We should no longer “wait to exhale.” Now is the time to breathe in the positive vibes of self-appreciation. Appreciate and celebrate how far you have come, and hold tight to the journey you are going to complete.

The word “yes” is the affirmation of one’s self and the destination you are approaching. Mind, body and spirit need your time and your method of compartmentalizing so that each will have adequate attention.

Exhaling is the time you’ve given yourself to pause and be immersed in the peace longed for. Take it!

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